Monday, August 22, 2011

You Know You're out of Shape When...

...You spend two hours on a Saturday watching your boyfriend load up his stuff onto a cart, wheel it out to your car, load it into your car, drive two blocks to his new apartment, you finally help to carry it up one flight of stairs, and you consider all that enough of a workout for the whole week. This happened the Saturday before last.

After evaluating my physical condition and mentality about the whole moving situation, I came to the conclusion that I am pathetic, and may be suffering a bit (or a lot) from laziness. So, to combat these diseases, I renewed my membership at the local gym (and by local, I mean it's literally next to my house. If I tried to drive, it would take 15 times longer to drive around the block, into the parking lot, and walk around to the other side of the building, which is in the direction of my house). I have been every day for the last four days, and I feel that my body is in the process of spontaneous combustion. My muscles are on fire!! But practice makes perfect, which doesn't really fit here, but I keep telling myself that anyway, and I've somehow stayed motivated. So hopefully by this time next week, I'll be in the swing of things and won't hurt so bad.

(You also know you're out of shape when you go to write a blog about being out of shape and you realize it's been a month since you last posted.... The adventures in my life lately have felt less than average, so I will do my best to have a more exciting life so I can write about it more often.)

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