Thursday, May 17, 2012

That Awkward Moment...

... when you realize that you have been so consumed with working 90-hour weeks and getting married that you haven't written a blog in two months.

You may be surprised to hear this, but I just had one of those moments. And by "you" I mean hi Dad, because you are probably the only one who still even remembers this blog, let alone still checks it for updates.

Considering it's been 2 months to the day since my last post, here's what you missed...
-I worked a lot. Like really. The worst was 92 hours in 7 days. Legit.
-I quit my job. Yeah, I was burned out, but mainly because I knew we would be moving.
-Josh got his orders. For San Diego.
-Then Josh got told he got his pilot spot back, randomly. That he "lost" over 3 months ago.
-I planned a wedding.
-Josh and I got married! :)
-I got the flu the day after the wedding and moved into Josh's apartment (well, I'm still in the process)

So, now, I am a married woman, with no job, setting up house, but not too much, because I know we're moving to Pensacola, FL sometime in the next three weeks to six months so Josh can go to flight school to be a pilot in the Navy.

But, considering that my father is the only one reading this, you already knew all of that. So, I will end this "awkward moment" update by saying I love you Dad. And if you who are reading this are not my father, I love you too. Because you still remember my blog and think to check it. So, thanks.

And seeing that no job means so much more time, check back soon. More posts to follow :)


  1. I am so sorry you got the flu! BOOO! Your wedding was absolutely beautiful! I am glad you were able to quit, that was quite the drive! Coffee soon?

    I am adding you to my reader! That reminds me... I need to post too!

  2. YOU are great and I love you!! :)

  3. So GirlyWhirl, does your Google Analytics indicate a lot of blog hits from The Project X region of the world?
