Monday, July 18, 2011

So You Think You Have a Deer Problem...

Well, if you live where my parents do, you're probably right! They live in the foothills of Colorado where deer, cougars, and bears (oh my!) run rampant. We don't see too much of the later two in the daylight, but the deer? Oh dear. Problem 1. The deer love to eat pretty flowers, baby trees, and beautiful landscaping in general. Problem 2. They're fearless. It wasn't too bad before our dog died. My dad trained Carrick (our Irish Golden Retriever) to chase the deer to the property line and then he would always come prancing back to the house, clearly proud of his accomplishment. But now that he's gone, my dad has been forced to be more creative.

Yesterday my dad and I took a tour of his blooming garden. It was a bright, hot afternoon in the front yard, and the flowers filled my senses. We walked out of the front door and walked right by the large lilac bushes, when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to the side and was shocked to be almost nose to nose with a stag! It was lounging in the shade of the lilacs, munching on the petunias. I was close enough to touch it, and it didn't even seem to care one bit. I was able to snag a couple pictures before my dad got out the secret weapon. He came running and yelling out of the front door waving a plastic pink lawn flamingo who had lost its legs and was wearing Hawaiian leis. It was almost as epic as the famous battle scene in Braveheart. Best part? It worked. The deer ran away with terror in his eyes. But I don't blame him. If I saw my dad running towards me, waving a plastic flamingo, I'd be pretty scared too.

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