Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Day - Revenge is Sweet

If you have not yet read yesterday's post about the balloons, read that first. Because now I want to share a bit about our retaliation. All year most of the guys in our office have been pranking us (both big and small ones), and so Tristan and I have been planning for the past month to get them back on April Fool's Day. It just so happened that after the events of yesterday, this looks like revenge. Well, our plan started small and as we implemented this last night, the plan slowly grew. As I mentioned yesterday, a picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look...

Walking into the office, the guys didn't notice anything out of place, until they saw the Twitter birds covering their window...

And upon walking inside, it's hard to notice that anything is out of place until you notice Jack's desk is nearly void...

Jack's desk is missing everything, and gained new occupants...

Jack wandered around the office, searching for his things, and then opened the storage closet...

And saw everything was wrapped in industrial strength saran wrap, both individually and corporately... 

And he was instructed to get back to work by creepy finger puppets...

But Jack was well-pleased with these fun and games...

And we didn't just prank Jack. We got the other guys very subtly. Notice anything fishy about their keyboards?? (Hint: review the middle row of letters)...

Happy April Fool's Day!

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