Have you seen Tangled? The Disney movie about Rapunzel?? Remember the beginning scene??? Well, If you don't remember or haven't seen the movie you should go watch it. Right now. But in case time and life does not allow for that, I have included a video of that scene below. And have you read my thoughts about how that movie applies to my life? If you haven't, you can read them
here. But I digress.
I am currently unemployed and looking for a job. I've only been in this situation for a little over a month, but it has felt like forever. Mainly because an average day in my life is much like that scene in Tangled. So, I invite you to step into my life for a moment to enlighten yourself about the average day in the life of the unemployed Amie Lou...
1) I wake up whenever I happen to rouse into consciousness (and depending on how late I was chatting with my roommates the night before, that could really be any time from 7am-10am).
2) Then I groggily look at the apps on my phone to read the Bible verses of the day and say a prayer for my sanity and productivity.
3) I mosey up the stairs to start brewing my coffee and while waiting, check my email on my phone to see if anyone sent me an email offering me a job during the course of the night. So far, no one has. But I look expectantly every morning anyway.
4) I drink my coffee and peruse Twitter for any life updates or breaking news in the world. And I am always amazed at how much I can learn from 160 characters.
5) Then, I search my routine job sites and find that only 8 jobs had been posted since I checked it the day before. And I am usually not qualified for any of them.
6,7,8,9,10,11,12,etc.....) So, then I usually make my bed 3 or 4 times, browse facebook for a while, read a book or two, paint my toenails, do Zumba, vacuum the floor, wash all the dishes in the kitchen (clean and dirty), look down at my toes, decide to re-paint my nails, clean the bathroom, re-organize my closet, search for jobs again and find no new postings, watch a movie, knit a sweater, check my email hoping for a job offer, stare at the wall and wonder why it's painted such a weird color, daydream about better colors to paint the walls if the landlord would let us, look down at my toes and decided that if I can't repaint the walls I'll re-paint my toes (again), watch YouTube videos like a 'bauss' (that's for you Josh), search for jobs again and still find no new postings, check my LinkedIn profile to see how many possible employers may have looked at my page, be disappointed that no one who may want to hire me has viewed it, bake muffins to cheer me up, eat muffins realizing lunch was hours ago, browse facebook again to see what my friends are doing around the world, check my email again hoping for an interview, go the gym and literally have my butt kicked in the exercise class, lay on the floor as the muscles in my body explode, see my toes and decided to re-paint them (yet again), search for jobs again and not find anything worth applying for, re-wash all the dishes, bleach the sink, clean the bathroom again, take a shower, shampoo the carpets (that one's for you Dad. Are you paying attention? ;)), light a candle and watch the flame dance, read how to make candles, realize I would have to leave the house to get candle-making supplies, decide it's not worth it, re-paint my toenails instead, make an elaborate dinner with whatever I find in laying around, search for jobs again, find nothing was posted since I last checked, hear my roommates come home, talk and giggle with them about how I entertained myself that day, check my email hoping for anything, get ready for bed, browse facebook one last time, and then I brush and brush and brush and brush my hair and wonder when will I get a job.... (Okay, maybe I only brush it once or twice, but watch the video for a frame of reference)
Everyone has been telling me to enjoy this time while I have it, but painting my toenails 5 or 6 times a day is wearing me down. It wasn't so bad before school started and all my roommates were home with me all day, but it's kind of boring being the basement bum all by myself. Hopefully I will be able to write a post soon about the average day in life of Amie Lou's job.... Ahhhhhh.... That would be nice :)
And for a full reenactment of my average day, check out this video. It's amazingly accurate...
*I don't know what country this video came from, but it's great quality and still sung in English. Enjoy. And when you can, watch the full movie. Or maybe I'll watch it for you today :)