Saturday, July 23, 2011

To A Woman Who Has Changed and Inspired Me

"I love inspiring people, and if I can make a difference in one person's life, 
then that's success to me!"
-Sasha Azevedo

A speaker that I heard recently encouraged me to think of moments of significant change and growth in my life, and as I was doing this, I realized that they all had one thing (or person) in common. Most all of them involved my friend Julie. So, in her honor, this is my...

Top Ten Reasons I Have Been Changed and Inspired By Julie

11. She let me borrow her car for three weeks when mine was in the shop

10.  She is a modern-day pioneer, always searching to "go where no man has gone before"

9. She loves accepts me unconditionally, even though I love Star Trek

8. She always (without fail) laughs at all of my stupid jokes and validates my bizarre humor

7. She was the first one to share the Gospel with me

6. She has always accepted the sinful realities of my past with truth and grace

5. She faithfully poured into me for three years, even though she probably knew I wasn't a Christian yet

4. She is a humble leader; She has always been honest about her struggles and short-comings

3. She has challenged me to do the unthinkable (and so far, I have ended up doing everything she challenged me to do)

2. She no longer sees me as just that girl she discipled a few years ago, but she has continued to love me as a friend and peer

And the #1 reason I have been changed and inspired by Julie is...

1. Seeing Julie live life and do ministry inspires me to want to live with a more passionate faith and serve the Lord for a lifetime.

Thanks for all you do Julie! I love you :)
*I know that's 11 reasons, but there was just so much, I couldn't stop at 10!

Monday, July 18, 2011

So You Think You Have a Deer Problem...

Well, if you live where my parents do, you're probably right! They live in the foothills of Colorado where deer, cougars, and bears (oh my!) run rampant. We don't see too much of the later two in the daylight, but the deer? Oh dear. Problem 1. The deer love to eat pretty flowers, baby trees, and beautiful landscaping in general. Problem 2. They're fearless. It wasn't too bad before our dog died. My dad trained Carrick (our Irish Golden Retriever) to chase the deer to the property line and then he would always come prancing back to the house, clearly proud of his accomplishment. But now that he's gone, my dad has been forced to be more creative.

Yesterday my dad and I took a tour of his blooming garden. It was a bright, hot afternoon in the front yard, and the flowers filled my senses. We walked out of the front door and walked right by the large lilac bushes, when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to the side and was shocked to be almost nose to nose with a stag! It was lounging in the shade of the lilacs, munching on the petunias. I was close enough to touch it, and it didn't even seem to care one bit. I was able to snag a couple pictures before my dad got out the secret weapon. He came running and yelling out of the front door waving a plastic pink lawn flamingo who had lost its legs and was wearing Hawaiian leis. It was almost as epic as the famous battle scene in Braveheart. Best part? It worked. The deer ran away with terror in his eyes. But I don't blame him. If I saw my dad running towards me, waving a plastic flamingo, I'd be pretty scared too.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Three Things I've Learned

Today is my Jesus-birthday. Not Jesus' birthday, that's when Jesus was born (aka Christmas). But today is my Jesus-birthday, marking the day when I was "born again" (to quote the Bible... follow the link to see where it's from) in Christ. It's not my birthday, the day I was made alive in flesh, because that day is all about me and how I came into the world. Today is all about God and what he's done in my life.

Today marks three years of walking with Christ. I made the commitment three years ago to follow Jesus by receiving his free gift of Life to have a relationship with God through him. Over these past three years I have learned a lot and grown like wildfire. Through reflecting this, I want to share...

Three Things I've Learned From Three Years of Walking with Jesus

1. It doesn't get easier, but it does get better. Following Jesus is hard. Actively following Jesus on a daily basis is even harder. Because every day I grow a little more (and some days, waaaaaayyy more), and sometimes this growing hurts. But just as your body painfully heals to become renewed, so does my life. God grows and stretches me to make me better, healthier, and stronger. So, every day is always better (even if it doesn't feel that way).

2. There will always be distractions. Just like any friendship (or even marriage), I need time with God to foster our relationship. But spending time with a non-tangible being can be ambiguous. And there are always tangible people and tasks that ask of my time. Thus, distractions are always present. But it has been so valuable for me to make time in my day to pray and read the Bible, because that's how I grow. That's how I stay connected to my Creator.

3. Nothing is more important than my relationship with God. I learned this lesson the hard way. I tried the life where other relationships took higher priority, and I felt the ramifications. For months, I felt that something was missing from my life, but I couldn't place it. I was still connecting with God and following Jesus, but I wasn't doing it first. My heart was too distracted by other things. These things are not bad, I just put them before God. So when these relationships were taken from from me, I felt like I had nothing left. I knew that was not true, but I realized it was because of my priorities. God desires to be my first love, my first priority. And the only difference is who my heart loves more.

I have learned so much more, but I feel these have been the most important things. And maybe a year from now I'll make another list. But today, it's not about me, but today is about celebrating what Christ has done for me and what God has done in my life.

*I know what I have said may not make sense to most people. If you have questions, feel free to contact me. I'd love to talk about them.

When I was baptized in November 2009.
Check out more photos by Sawyer Pangborn at Anesti
In that day you will say:
   “I will praise you, O LORD.
   Although you were angry with me,
your anger has turned away
   and you have comforted me. 

 Surely God is my salvation;
   I will trust and not be afraid.
The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song;
   he has become my salvation.” 

With joy you will draw water
   from the wells of salvation.

In that day you will say:
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
   make known among the nations what he has done,
   and proclaim that his name is exalted.
Sing to the LORD, for he has done glorious things;
   let this be known to all the world.
Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion,
   for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”